Friday, October 23, 2015

Friday Favorites

I have seen Friday Favorites on almost every blog that I love and it's something I've been meaning to do.. but lets not talk about the list of things I've been meaning to do. That could take a while. 
Instead, I want to share some of my favorite things! Since this is my first time doing a post like this, this will be a general post of some of my favorite things. Eventually, I'd love to do this weekly and have a list of weekly favorite things!

1. Ocean City Trips! It was so nice to finally get a chance to spend a little more time away than just one day. It was a little chilly but we had fun. 

2. My nieces! And soon I will have a nephew to brag about :) 

3. When I am able to get Chris to smile in a picture! It doesn't happen often but when it does I feel accomplished! 

4. Netflix! I don't know how I ever lived my life without it. I was seriously missing out. I don't even know what I used to use to procrastinate with before Netflix, but I never want to go back. 

5. Fall weather! And of course, coffee! Coffee will always have my heart. 

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