Monday, June 29, 2015

Gym Clothes

The struggle is real. I start my big girl job next week and this is an exact portray of how I am feeling at the moment. I have been lucky enough to have had the opportunity to take some time off from working to finish my degree and complete an internship. Now that I am graduating in December and I have finished my internship, I am back in the real world. However, I have been living in gym clothes for the past year and it has made life SO much easier. 

But, as we all know, gym clothes aren't "professional." That's a stupid rule. How do I get that overthrown? 

So, now I am on the hunt for my adult life clothes and I am at a complete loss. I have been all over Pinterest for ideas on what to wear. And while those outfits are super cute and professional, I could never pull them off. I have browsed stores, and I have even looked online. I really just hate shopping for clothes. Unless I am shopping for gym clothes then I am happier than a dog with a treat. Alas, I have come up with nothing. 

I have my go-to black dress pants, and like, two shirts. I actually have a set "interview outfit" that I wear whenever I have to dress nicely. The outfit is a very nice mustard color shirt, paired with a sandy colored cardigan and my favorite black wedges. I would love to wear that everyday. But, like the no gym clothes rule, it's apparently frowned upon if you wear the same outfit all week. #firstworldproblems

So, I have a week to figure out what the heck I am going to do and how I am going to even afford to buy a completely new wardrobe. 

And don't even get me started about what I am going to do about my hair. 

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